About MigrationsMap.net

What is it?

The map allows you to see for every country X in the world either the top ten providing countries of lifetime migrants to X or the top ten receiving countries of lifetime migrants from X. On top of that, when you let your mouse hover over a country, you can see the total population, the GDP per capita, the HIV and Tuberculosis prevalences and the death rate of children under five.

I (Martin De Wulf) have been programming this map to learn and have fun with HTML5 technologies. Besides of learning, my only goal is to create a website that can make people think.

The data

The data for the map is coming from three sources:
  1. The Global Migrant Origin Database is the main source of the data. As said on the site, it "consists of a 226x226 matrix of origin-destination stocks by country and economy". Put differently, this is a matrix showing for each pair of country X and Y "the number of persons born in a country X and now living in country Y." Globally, the map is only as good as this data is and it is quite clear, even for a non specialist like me, that obtaining accurate numbers on such a topic is really difficult: you have to use many different sources with different counting criteria, and for some countries, it would probably be better politically not to give the precise numbers. So, take the map with a grain of salt.
  2. For all the indicators (population size, GDP, HIV and tuberculosis prevalences and mortality for kids under five years old), I used the World Bank API, with the numbers for 2007.
  3. For the countries borders, I used a file found in the examples of the polymaps library, which originated from thematicmapping.org

The Technology

All the code of the site and the scripts used to produce it are available on github. Furthermore, the site is hosted on a github page. Thanks to them for this fantastic free service.

There are probably some bugs lurking around. Do not hesitate to report them to me at: madewulf@gmail.com.

Here is a non exhaustive list of technologies or tools employed to create this map:

What's next?

If you liked the map, you might also like PopulationPyramid.net